SHSE4SML CCRI: New: A Scalable Hardware and Software Environment Enabling Secure Multi-party Learning

Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh

She joined the University of Pittsburgh, ECE department as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor starting September 2021. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles in 2019 supervised by Prof. Jason Cong, who leads UCLA VAST(VLSI Architecture, Synthesis and Technology) Group. Her major interest is in Customized Architecture and Programming Abstraction for Applications including Healthcare, e.g., Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence. She is honored to receive “Outstanding Recognition in Research” from UCLA Samueli School of Engineering in 2019. She has also received 2019 TCAD Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award in recognition of best paper published in the IEEE Transactions on CAD in the two calendar years preceding the award. Her paper has also received 2018 ICCAD Best Paper Nominee, 2018 ISPASS Best Paper Nominee.

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